
Suffolk Divorce Mediation

A Top-Rated Long Island
Divorce Mediation Service

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Fast · Affordable · Reliable

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Why Choose Divorce Mediation?

Less Money

Going through a contested divorce can be costly. Both parties need to hire expensive lawyers and can wind up spending tens of thousands of dollars on hourly fees. If you and your spouse are looking to resolve your differences amicably, there is a more cost effective way. Divorce mediation can often save you tons of money. The cost of a divorce mediation is usually a fraction of the cost of a typical divorce.

Less Time

In a typical divorce, the couple is forced to abide by the courts timetable. As a result, a litigated divorce can take, on average, 9 months to 2 years. Many would prefer the process to move quickly, so that they can move forward with their lives. When going through divorce mediation the time it takes for your divorce to resolve is entirely up to you. You schedule your own sessions, and we will help you move through the process at a pace that best suits you.

Less Stress

Divorce is stressful. Divorce mediation can reduce that anxiety. By skipping the lawyers and court processes, you can reduce the emotional toll of a divorce while still having the legal guidance to settle every issue involved with your divorce. It’s important to note that you and your spouse don’t have to be in agreement over every aspect of your divorce. What is most important is the desire to work amicably with your spouse. We can guide you through the rest.

The Cost of Mediation Vs. Litigation

Approximate Price
Initial Retainer
Hourly Price of Mediation
Average Cost of Divorce Mediation
$4000 - $7000
Approximate Price
Hour-Based Retainer
$5000 - $10000
Hourly Price of Divorce Attorney
$700 - $1000/hour*
Average Cost of A Litigated Divorce
$13000 - $17000**

Highly Rated Divorce Mediation Service

Benefits That Divorce Mediation Offers

Choosing a Suffolk County Divorce Mediator for an uncontested divorce is preferable to adversarial proceedings. Mediation avoids the lengthy, costly, and emotionally charged battles that can lead to resentment, benefiting both parties and any children involved.

  1. Cheaper: Overall, the cost of a divorce can be draining. Mediation offers a significantly less-expensive approach. There is no need for attorney fees and court costs, etc.
  2. Quicker: The process is less time consuming as well. If a divorce is mostly uncontested, there’s no need to hire multiple lawyers when a mediator can help you resolve any of your divorce-related obstacles or concerns.
  3. Less Contention: Both parties can walk away with less tension toward one another, having come to multiple agreements outside of court. This may be extremely beneficial for both parties as well as any children involved.
  4. Private: Mediation can be done in a private atmosphere, where both partners can work out there concerns amicably.
  5. Transparent: A Suffolk County Divorce Mediator will keep both parties fully informed so that they understand the consequences of their decisions.

Our Mediators Are Experienced Divorce Attorneys

Divorce mediation doesn’t always require an attorney, but it’s often beneficial to have an experienced divorce attorney act as your mediator. Many advertised mediators lack experience with New York divorce laws, often being therapists or other individuals without practical legal knowledge.

An experienced divorce attorney understands all phases of divorce litigation and can ensure you complete the entire process. Unlike some mediation services that may leave you with a negotiated agreement but no final judgment, a knowledgeable attorney can guide you through to obtaining the necessary Judgment of Divorce.

At Suffolk County Divorce Mediation, all our mediators are highly rated divorce attorneys. With experience representing wives, husbands, mothers, and fathers, they understand the concerns of couples going through a divorce and provide expert guidance throughout the mediation process.

Divorce Mediations Need Certification

Why Hire Us?

Less costly then typical divorce
Less time than a contested divorce
We File All Court Paperwork
A proven track record of successful mediations
Less stress than a contested divorce
Transparent Fees
Skilled Divorce Attorneys
Six Convenient Locations in Suffolk County

About Our Suffolk Divorce Mediation Service

Suffolk County Divorce Mediation was founded in 2017 with the goal of providing the residents of Suffolk County with a reliable, cost effective way to divorce in an environment that reduces the couples stress and helps the parties move forward with their lives in a productive and positive manner.

Nobody benefits from long drawn out court battles that come with a contested divorce except the attorneys that are getting paid.  In the end the couple is not only faced with large legal bills, they have grown resentful of each other and the court process. And if children are involved, that animosity may affect their future ability to co-parent in a way that is best for their children.

Divorce mediation can be a great alternative to the typical divorce process. Our attorneys have helped hundreds of people resolve their marital issues through a peaceful, inexpensive mediation. If you and your spouse are interested in resolving your marital issues amicably our Suffolk County Divorce Mediation Center can help.

We have six convenient offices throughout Suffolk County and are available for evening appointments, as well. Our fees are reasonable and we offer a free initial consultation to answer any questions you may have about the mediation process.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce Mediation

What is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce Mediation is when a couple meets together with an attorney or mediator in the hopes of coming to agreements on the issues within their divorce proceeding without having to appear in Court.  The main thing to know in mediation is that the attorney/mediator does not represent either party. Therefore, the attorney/mediator cannot provide either party with specific legal advice. In Divorce Mediation the attorney/mediator provides the couple with the laws of New York State in a divorce proceeding and then helps facilitate a conversation between the parties so the parties can come to a mutual agreement on all their issues within their divorce.

How much does Divorce Mediation cost?

Divorce mediation is typically more cost effective than divorce litigation. Rather than each spouse hiring their own attorney, they are only paying for one divorce mediator. At Suffolk County Divorce Mediation, we have an initial fee that serves as an hour-based retainer. Our fee estimates the amount of time is needed to complete the mediation process.  This is still far less costly than litigation which takes substantially longer and requires two separate retainers, court costs, paying two attorneys and other incidentals such as travel and expert witnesses. Some of these costs easily become out of your control. For example, there is a good chance you are paying for your attorney while you sit at court waiting for your case to be heard. With mediation, the entire process is arranged on your time, which will ultimately save money as well.

Typically, if the parties do no have any children under the age of 21, the retainer starts at $4,000. However, with children the divorce is a little more complicated. Therefore, if the parties do have children under the age of 21, the retainer will start at $4,500. The hourly price of a mediation is $400/hour. This initial fee serves as an hourly-based retainer, and there are no additional charges until that retainer has been exhausted. The mediation process normally doesn’t go beyond the initial fee but sometimes when substantial assets are involved, the retainer gets exhausted and the hourly rate will apply.

How long does it take?

The length of time the mediation process takes is in the hands of the parties. The beauty of mediation is that there are no strict time requirements that have a to be met like there are in contested divorces that are in Court. The process of mediation can be as quick or as slow as the parties want them to be. The parties are in the drivers seat in divorce mediation and, therefore, are in control. At Suffolk County Divorce Mediation, we understand that most couples enter into divorce mediation in order to complete their divorce as quickly and amicably as possible. Therefore, we strive to achieve the same. However, in the end, how quickly the parties can come to agreements is up to them.

Who drafts the paperwork that gets submitted to the court for divorce?

Once you are able to successfully mediate each and every issue within your divorce, the attorney/mediators at Suffolk County Divorce Mediation will draft and submit all of your paperwork to the Court. This includes your Stipulation of Settlement and all of the ancillary divorce documents, including the Judgment of Divorce and Findings of Fact, that need to be filed with the Court.

Will it be less stressful than us both hiring a divorce lawyer?

Divorce mediation tends to be less stressful than divorce litigation as the parties are in full control of the dissolution of their marriage. Instead of hiring two attorneys that have a vested financial interest in a prolonged court battle, our Suffolk Mediators have a genuine desire to make your divorce as simple and stress free as possible and to get it done in a timeframe that suits your needs. The parties are in control of all aspects of their mediation from the agreements they come to or how long or short the mediation process is. Also, if you are able to successfully mediate, you will never step foot inside of a Court room. This will alleviate the need to follow the strict time requirements set by a Judge.  

What if my spouse doesn’t want to mediate?

Unfortunately, if your spouse does not want to mediate you will not be able to do so. In mediation, both parties need to voluntarily agree to mediate in order for you to even begin the process of mediation. The role of the mediator is to foster open communication and to ultimately resolve marital issues in a way where both parties are satisfied. Mediation is unbiased, and both parties are present and informed throughout the process. Our Suffolk County Divorce Mediation Firm will not discuss any substantive issues with respect to your divorce, if both parties are not present, including the initial consultation.

What if we have children?

If you have children, matters of custody, visitation and child support will be discussed. The mediator will advise you of the laws pertaining to custody and visitation, as well as child support. However, ultimately, the terms for those three issues will be agreed upon solely by you and your spouse. 
Many parents may feel that joint custody is best for their children. Our Suffolk County Divorce Mediators can facilitate cooperative communication regarding child custody and visitation. A parenting agreement should be made with stipulations for potential changes (ie., holiday schedules, emergencies, etc.) that meets your child’s best interests. Some factors that may play into a parenting agreement are as follows:

• Each parent’s ability to meet their children’s needs
• The children’s relationships with siblings of each party’s family
• Who the primary caregiver of the child is (the parent who primarily feeds the child, takes them to school, the doctor, extracurricular activities, etc.)
• The physical and mental health of both parents
• The amount of time each parent has in their schedule to spend with their children
• What the children want most, depending on their maturity level/age
• Each parent’s ability to positively cooperate with each other on the parenting plan with their children’s best interests in mind

Child support in a mediated divorce works much like spousal support does. Most parents will agree that their children’s wellbeing is paramount, and having financial support is a key aspect in both their wellbeing as well as their upbringing. If you’re willing to work together, your Suffolk County Divorce Mediator can inform you on how a judge would determine your post-divorce child support given each other’s financial statuses and based on the Child Support Standards Act. From there, you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse can make an informed decision on how you want to handle child support. It’s entirely up to the both of you how child support should be handled.

What if I have a pension?

If you have a pension or any other retirement account the mediator will provide you with the laws pertaining to how those assets are divided. Typically, each party is entitled to 50% of the marital portion of the other parties retirement accounts. However, as long as the parties agree you can decide to use a different percentage or waive the other parties retirement accounts completely if you should choose to do same. Ultimately, the terms for these matters will be agreed upon solely by you and your spouse. The mediator is an unbiased 3rd party who can facilitate the communication between both parties, help overcome the obstacles of separation so you are fully able to make informed decisions regarding your divorce.

Who Will Get the House?

There are several different outcomes in regard to the marital residence which will be discussed with the mediator during your mediation sessions. Some of the outcomes include selling the material residence or one party buying out the other parties interest in same. However, once again, the terms regarding the distribution of the marital residence will be agreed upon solely by you and your spouse. Our divorce mediators won’t allow one spouse to overpower another. Both parties are given the same, unbiased treatment, and are fully informed of the legalities surrounding their divorce, including matters of marital residence.

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    Suffolk County Divorce Mediation Service is affiliated with Palermo Law, P.L.L.C., & Chris Palermo Law.