Why Divorce Mediation is Less Stressful Than A Typical Divorce

It is without question that getting a divorce is very stressful. Even in the most amicable of separations, a divorce takes a huge emotional toll on. Additionally, all of the matters that need to be decided to go through with the divorce can be overwhelming. And on top of all of that, a divorce can often take a long time and can be extremely costly. If there is any way to reduce the anxiety of going through a divorce, it is an option worth researching. For many couples, divorce mediation has proven to be much less stressful than going through typical divorce litigation. For this reason, divorce mediation has become more and more popular in recent years. Here are some reasons why divorce mediation is less stressful

The Couple is in Full Control

In divorce mediation, the couple is in full control of the dissolution of their marriage. Instead of hiring two attorneys that have a vested financial interest in a prolonged court battle, divorce mediators have a genuine desire to make your divorce as simple and stress free as possible and to get it done in a timeframe that suits your needs. The parties are in control of all aspects of their mediation.

You May Never Have to Go To Court

The point of a mediation is so that the couple can decide amongst themselves on matters of divorce. This in effect, replaces the need for a judge to make the call. Therefore, if you are able to successfully mediate, you will never step foot inside of a Courtroom. This will alleviate the need to follow the strict time requirements set by a Judge.

Divorce Mediation is Quicker

The average length of a typical divorce litigation in America is between 11 and 18 months. Depending on the circumstances, it can even be longer. As mentioned earlier, this often serves as a benefit to both divorce attorneys, since a prolonged divorce translates to more money in their pocket. Additionally, going to court and appeasing the schedule of everyone involved will naturally bring delays. In divorce mediation, there are no adversarial attorneys, no judges and no visits to court to schedule. The length of time it takes to complete the divorce is up to the couple and the couple only. While some time may be recommended to consider important matters, the parties are in full control of how long or how short the mediation process is.

Divorce Mediation is Less Costly

Going through a contested divorce is costly. Both parties need to hire individual and expensive lawyers. The parties usually wind up spending tens of thousands of dollars on hourly fees. Because no one is required to hire an individual divorce attorney to represent them, the cost of a divorce mediation is usually a fraction of the cost of a typical divorce. Additionally, having no visits to court and reduced time also plays a plays a part in divorce mediation being more cost effective.

The Process is Less Emotionally Taxing

Having to fight for matters adds a significant burden to the divorce. Having these battles be prolonged for years takes a significant toll on a person emotionally. While the parties aren’t expected to agree on everything in a divorce mediation, the concise process as well as the desire to settle matters amicably will ultimately create an environment that is much less tense. Mediation can be done in a private atmosphere, where both partners can work out their concerns without a lengthy legal battle. Both parties can walk away with less tension toward one another, having come to multiple agreements outside of court. This may be extremely beneficial for both parties as well as any children involved.