Divorce Mediation & Scheduling Your Own Sessions

There are countless benefits for couples who can successfully dissolve their marriage through Divorce Mediation as opposed to historical Divorce Litigation. Most of the benefits are very straightforward. Divorce Mediation is a less costly, less time-consuming, and more amicable alternative to Divorce Litigation. But one aspect of the Divorce Mediation process yields a plethora of benefits for couples looking to divorce: the ability to schedule your own sessions.

A litigated divorce can take up to 2 years or longer, especially since you’re working around a court’s timetable. Many conferences may be adjourned, which only elongates the process. Divorce Mediation on the other hand, allows you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse to schedule sessions when you want. Here are some reasons why scheduling your own sessions can be extremely beneficial…

Scheduling Divorce Mediation Sessions

There are countless benefits for couples who can successfully dissolve their marriage through Divorce Mediation as opposed to historical Divorce Litigation. Most of the benefits are very straightforward. Divorce Mediation is a less costly, less time-consuming, and more amicable alternative to Divorce Litigation. But one aspect of the Divorce Mediation process yields a plethora of benefits for couples looking to divorce: the ability to schedule your own sessions.

A litigated divorce can take up to 2 years or longer, especially since you’re working around a court’s timetable. Many conferences may be adjourned, which only elongates the process. Divorce Mediation on the other hand, allows you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse to schedule sessions when you want. Here are some reasons why scheduling your own sessions can be extremely beneficial…

When Your Case Is Complex

You and your spouse may be looking to divorce through mediation, but are worried your case may be too complex. Not all divorce cases are simple. Many times, a case may be extremely complex, especially when child custody or the distribution of high-assets are involved. So, you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse may want time in between your scheduled sessions in order to contemplate the divorce settlement agreement you are both working toward. How will your decisions affect your future financially? How will they affect your children’s life? These are heavy questions and deserve time to fully contemplate before a binding agreement is made.

When You Want Your Case Handled Swiftly

You and your spouse may, on the contrary, want to dissolve your marriage swiftly and amicably through mediation. Your case may not be complex at all, and the two of you simply want to part ways as soon as possible, but require guidance in doing so. In this scenario, you can schedule your sessions closer together. This way, you’ll be able to swiftly move through the divorce process with your mediator and come to an equitable divorce settlement agreement.

Life & Its Circumstances

The flexibility of Divorce Mediation may take a lot of stress out of the equation for you and your spouse. We all have exigent circumstances that come in and out of our lives. You may have a scheduled session, but an emergency comes up with you or your spouse. Rescheduling a conference in a litigated divorce requires contacting the court (to see what dates are available) and your spouse’s attorney (to see when they’re available). Additionally, you must do so within 48 hours. Divorce Mediation is much more flexible, particularly because you aren’t dealing with the courts or opposing counsel. You are only with one mediator and his or her schedule.