When Divorce Mediation is not Recommended

Mediation may not be recommended for all divorce parties. Mediation is when divorcing couples attempt to divide assets, spousal maintenance, and legal responsibilities involving children. Couples work with family law mediators that guide them through the negotiation process to achieve real solutions. While spouses can reach divorce settlement through mediation, it is not always appropriate. Sometimes, spouses should utilize individual attorneys to work on the terms involving divorce.

Negative Thought Patterns Divorce

Uncooperative Partners

Not every divorce case involves uncontested splits. In many scenarios, individuals are bitter, but will work to focus on the issues concerning the divorce. In other cases, spouses can feel the need to seek revenge. If you and your spouse are not able to cooperate in the space, mediation is unhelpful. Additionally, seeking mediation is not suggested when one possesses a substance addiction that keeps them from entering mediation with a clear head.

Undisclosed Assets and Financial Deceit

Finances are a significant factor in negotiation for the terms of a divorce. To determine a reasonable allocation of assets during mediation, each spouse must disclose their property, income, and debts. A court would utilize this provided information to calculate child support payments. If a spouse falsifies information about their assets, income, obligations, and other finances, any resolutions reached during mediation would be based on incorrect information.

Abusive Partners

If your partner physically, psychologically, or financially abused you, do not seek mediation. If a spouse held power in the relationship, they’d probably exercise their pre-existing power during mediation to obtain what they want. As a result, your own needs may be underrepresented. Partners should reach divorce settlements based on the truth, not intimidation or any forms of abuse. It is also important, for instances where relationships involve heavy alcohol and drug abuse, to stay towards official court proceedings.

Divorce mediation is preferred by many couples and recommended by those who have successfully gone through the mediation process. Mediation is often the most cost and time effective process to dissolve your marriage. For some, filing for divorce is the final thing that they can agree on and they use mediation as a means to complete the process as quickly as possible. Our mediators at Suffolk County Mediation have experience with all situations regarding and are highly effective in helping guide you and your family

through complicated legal negotiations. If you think mediation may be the best choice for you and your family, contact Suffolk County mediation (631)-762-6634 for help.