Why Choose Mediation?

Skip the Lawsuit

Divorce mediation is not what most people imagine when they think of divorce. Most people think of having to hire a lawyer; battling your spouse in court for the house, the kids, and everything in between. All while spending an arm and a leg in lawyer fees, and waiting a long time for a resolution. This is not what divorce mediation is like. If you and your soon to be ex-spouse do not like that painted picture, you can choose to skip the lawsuit altogether. See why many choose to mediate rather than litigate.

Divorce Mediation Myths

It Costs Less Than a Typical Divorce

A typical contested divorce can cost a lot of money. Divorce lawyers are not cheap, and have high hourly rates for their clients. And with the long process involved with a litigated divorce, those hourly rates will really start to add up. Both parties can end up spending tens of thousands of dollars before there is a resolution.

Divorce mediation can save you thousands. Rather than both parties hiring their own attorney, you are sharing the cost of a mediator. And because the divorce isn’t contested in court, the quicker process means less hours where you are paying for a mediator.

Compare Prices of Litigation vs Mediation

The Process is Much Faster

The average litigated divorce takes between 9 months to two years. On top of that being a lengthy time to be paying high lawyer fees, it is just a long time to be dealing with a lawsuit. Divorce is a very emotionally taxing thing a person can go through, and you’ll want the agreements to be made so that you can move on with this next chapter in your life. Lengthy divorces can put your life on hold. And impatience could tempt you to compromise on things you weren’t originally comfortable with.

When going through a divorce mediation, the time it takes for your divorce to resolve is entirely up to you. You can have enough time to make sure all matters are discussed and handled, but in a quick enough time where you can come to an agreement and move forward. You schedule your own sessions, and our mediators will help you move through the process at a pace that best suits you.

See Our Process

Your Divorce is Not a Battle

Divorce is stressful. No one likes the idea of battling personal matters in court, or feel like they have to fight and pay thousands of dollars just to see their kids. If you and your spouse want a less painful, more amicable divorce, then the litigation process is not necessary.

Divorce mediation can reduce all those anxieties. By skipping the lawyers and court processes, you can bypass the emotional toll of a divorce battle while still having the legal guidance to settle every issue involved with your divorce. It’s true, you and your spouse likely won’t agree on every matter, couples seeking a divorce rarely do. What is most important is the desire to work amicably with your spouse. We can guide you through the rest.

Meet our Mediators

All Matters of Divorce Are Handled in a Mediation

Just because divorce mediation is faster and cheaper than a contested divorce, doesn’t mean that anything is overlooked. All matters in a divorce are thoroughly discussed with the help of your mediator. You can rest assured that your concerns are resolved in the process. We handle all matters of divorce.





A Qualified Mediator Makes All the Difference

If you choose the divorce mediation route, the next step is to make sure you have a qualified mediator that will be able to properly guide through the process.

A Qualified Mediator Makes All the Difference

If you choose the divorce mediation route, the next step is to make sure you have a qualified mediator that will be able to properly guide through the process.

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